Balloon designs by PetiteKnit

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The Balloon series by PetiteKnit is a popular series of Balloon sweater, Balloon Cardigan and Balloon jacket all characterised by the cool, large balloon sleeves. See the full series of knittings patterns and knitting kits for balloon designs below. 


See more from PetiteKnit

The Sunday series is only one of many popular designs from PetiteKnit, see for instance the Anker's series and the Sunday series, or see all knitting kits for designs from PetiteKnit here.

PetiteKnit has a range of beautiful and simple designs, that are well suited as beginner knits, and many of the patterns are supplemented by video tutorials on YouTube, showing the knitting techniques used for a given pattern. So, if you are new to knitting and are looking for easy knitting patterns, PetiteKnit might be a good place to start.